2024|2025 Memberships
Want to see it all?
1 ticket to each of our five 2024|2025 productions.
PLUS! the following A-Plus Member Benefits:
- Access to premium seats!
- No additional fees on ticket reservations or purchases.
- Priority booking period in advance of the public.
- Access to an exclusive member ticket hotline.
- Unlimited ticket exchanges up to 24 hours prior to a performance.
- 1 guest ticket per production at a 20% discount.
- Up to 33% off Atlantic for Kids shows.
- 15% off select part-time Atlantic Acting School classes.
$310 – SOLD OUT
Want the most flexibility?
6 tickets to be used during the 2024|2025 Season. Max 2 tickets per production.
Plus, the following A-Flex Member Benefits:
- No additional fees on ticket reservations or purchases!
- Priority booking period in advance of the public.
- Access to an exclusive member ticket hotline.
- Unlimited ticket exchanges up to 24 hours prior to a performance.
- NEW! Access to premium seats at no additional charge!
- 1 guest ticket per production at a 20% discount.
- Up to 33% off Atlantic for Kids shows.
- 15% off select part-time Atlantic Acting School classes.
4 tickets to be used during the 2024|2025 Season. Max 2 tickets per production.
Plus, the following A-Flex Member Benefits:
- No additional fees on ticket reservations or purchases!
- Priority booking period in advance of the public.
- Access to an exclusive member ticket hotline.
- Unlimited ticket exchanges up to 24 hours prior to a performance.
- NEW! Access to premium seats at no additional charge!
- 1 guest ticket per production at a 20% discount.
- Up to 33% off Atlantic for Kids shows.
- 15% off select part-time Atlantic Acting School classes.
Want to pay as you go?
$50 up front to join. Grants access to purchase 1 discounted ticket to each of our five 2024|2025 productions.
($55 for plays, $65 for musicals).
$6.50 per ticket fee added at checkout.
Plus, the following A-Tix Member Benefits:
- Priority booking period in advance of the public.
- Access to an exclusive member ticket hotline.
- Access to premium seats for just $10 more per ticket.
- Unlimited ticket exchanges up to 24 hours prior to a performance.

Want the A-List experience?
Patrons are more than just theatergoers. They are a dedicated group of supporters who recognize that ticket sales will never cover the cost of our productions and other important programs like our new play development initiatives for emerging writers and arts education programs for more than 4,000 public school students. Patrons go the extra mile and help us meet whatever challenges come our way. That special commitment is also why a significant portion of each Patronship may be tax-deductible.
To Purchase:
Select the membership of your choice above!
Send a check made out to Atlantic Theater Company to the following address, with the Membership level of your choice listed in the memo line, and this completed order form.
Atlantic Theater Company
76 Ninth Avenue, Suite 313
New York, NY 10011
Call our our new dedicated phone room line: 646-452-2220.
Come to the Linda Gross Box Office Tuesday – Friday from 3:00PM – 5:00PM.
Visit our Membership FAQ page.
Email us at membership@atlantictheater.org
Call our membership hotline at 212.645.1242 (Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm ET)
Due to the high volume of calls, email is usually the fastest way to reach us!
All memberships expire on the last day of performances for the 2024|2025 season. Package refunds are only permitted on a case-by-case basis before the start of the season; no partial refunds. All ticket exchanges are subject to availability and can be made up to 24 hours prior to a performance. Member tickets are guaranteed through the priority booking period for the announced run of a show and are subject to availability once tickets are made available to the general public. Priority booking does not apply to extensions. Atlantic Memberships do not include tickets to any Broadway transfer. Atlantic for Kids shows are regularly $30 for adults and $15 for kids; member tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for kids. Atlantic Acting School discount applies to part-time and kids classes only. Offer may be revoked at any time.